Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been sick since Sunday night. Nothing serious, just a sore throat that has since migrated into a sinus... thing. I tried to walk the dogs yesterday, since they've been going stir-crazy. Between the rain, the random hot weather, and my cold, they really haven't gone out enough. I'm not sure if it was pent up energy on their part, or sickly me being weaker than normal, but I was fairly certain that if I tripped and fell, they would have kept trucking along, dragging my corpse behind them. Luckily, I didn't fall, and the relatively warm temperature (70ish degrees) eventually slowed them down.

Colder weather is coming. Here's hoping I'm better soon and get to enjoy it! This mofo wants to camp.

P.S. Don't forget about the My Memories Software Giveaway! So far there's only ONE flippin' entry. Enter now, your chance to win is verrrry good!

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