Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pet Post: The Cats

I fear that if I make a separate post about each and every one of my pets, my blog will ultimately become incredibly boring. Or one of the blogs MC Frontalot talks about in his song (see: I Hate Your Blog). So to spare you all the constant pet-postings, I have decided to combine the cat post into one.


The oldest cat in the house is Malakai. We took her in when she was a few months old in 2003. She's very skiddish and overall not too friendly. I sometimes go weeks without touching her -- she only allows it when she feels like it. She recently had some kidney problems, which caused her to have seizures from time to time. She's made a full recovery, and continues to be the bratty little boss cat of the house.


Next oldest is Mama. Real original, I know. Yet another stray that showed up at our door step when she was around a year old. We brought her inside when we noticed she was very pregnant. She gave birth to five kittens in July of 2006. She's a very unusual cat. For along time she followed Malakai around and tried to be buddies with her. Mali only recently started to put up with her. She's also a bit skiddish, but loves getting pet. Just don't make any sudden moves and she'll love you forever.


Kirby, Princess and Gremlin are the remaining three kittens. The other two, "Alien" (now Thomas) and Sheba (now Pita), were adopted. These three each have completely different personalities. Kirby is a loveable oaf. He's pretty easy going, though not too bright. He's my sister's cat more than anyone else's. Princess, on the other hand, is my baby. She's got a weight problem (that I intend on fixing when we move out). She's the most affectionate cat I've ever had. She loves to cuddle and "hug". Last we have Gremlin, the little demon. She thinks she's the boss, and loves patrolling the house looking for trouble.


Our newest addition, Matilda, is probably a few months younger than the "kittens". My mom started feeding her in the winter of 2007/2008, and was finally able to bring her in just as the weather got frigid. Since she had five cats already, Robert and I took Matilda to our apartment at school. In the long run, she ended up back at the house with all the other pets, but it was a good opportunity for her to adjust to in-door life.

A quick story: at one point, we lost Matilda. The window screens in our old place were broken or non-existent, which lead to Matilda falling or jumping out one of our living room windows. About a week went by with no sign of her. Some friends told Robert about a dead black cat a few blocks from our house, and we feared the worst. Then, a day or two after the horrible news, who should come running home -- none other than Matilda! She saw Francis (our roommate) and followed him in, eager for some dinner.

OK -- that's all for the cats. I still have the ferrets, rabbit and dog to discuss... but I'll leave them for a later date.

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